What we can offer
Services divided into categories.
Seachest inspection
By Thickness Measurement and Remote Video Inspection. Performed on ships, FPSO’s and rigs.
Heat exchanger inspection
Inspection of heat exchangers, using Eddy current, MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) or Visual inspection methods.
Tank inspection
We conduct inspections according to API, using UT and MFL technology.
Cleaning and inspection by Ultrasonic Measurement and remote video inspection
Level 3 services
Level 3 Personell certified according to EN-ISO-9712 / NORDTEST
Engineering Services
Customized services according to the customer’s needs / wishes.
Pipeline inspection
External and/or internal inspection by the use of a wide range of methods including UT, RVI and MFL
District heating
Inspection of district heating components, using various NDT-methods.
Standard NDT services
Inspection by the use of standard NDT-methods.
Rope access
Soft level 1, 2 and 3. For elevated areas difficult to access.
Customized equipment
Tailor made equipment according to the customer’s needs / wishes.