Seachest inspection
The method is self-developed and approved by Class Companies
The inspetion is carried out from the inside of the vessel (FPSO’s, rigs and carriers). Therefore, the inspection is independent of weather. The inspection is executed according to demands from Class Companies.
Seachest inspection includes inspection of the following items:
•Pipelines attached to seachest (corrosion and marine growth)
•Valves (leakage and operational test)
•Seachest (coating, marine growth, corrosion)
•Strainer (marine growth and corrosion)
•Ultrasound measurement (UT) of objects reachable from the inside of the vessel, such as seachest, pipelines and strainers.
The equipment we use
We use modern equipment for video inspection and ultrasonic measurement to conduct our seachest inspections.
Camera equipment:
– Kummert (KD-50HD, PROFI3, PROFI4)
– DTR100
– DTR65
– Mini ROV equipment for internal use in the seachest.
The inspection is recorded on video and based on this, the report is prepared