Tank inspection
Performed in accordance to API 653.
Dacon Services AS performs complete inspection of industry tanks by the use of MFL scanners and UT methods.
Tank floors are scanned by the use of MFL or Ultrasonic scanners.
Tank walls are scanned by the use of crawlers or handscanning by the use of remote-access techniques.
Point measurements are made using ultrasonic measurement equipment.

MFL floormap Scanner:
This tankfloor mapping equipment combines two technologies: Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) and STARS.
Has the capability to detect corrosion over / under tankfloor-plates with handling speeds up to 1m/s.
The tool provides high resolution data and has the capability to detect indications down to 2mm depth and 0.08mm in diameter.
The tool is capable of scanning 1400m2 per day
MFL hanscanner
Permits identification of corrosion with speeds up to 0.5m/s.
Maximum thickness of inspection object: 15mm
Usable on coating thicknesses up to 10mm.
May be operated by hand on tank wall etc. May be used in conjunction with rope access.
We also conduct conventional ultrasound measurement using ultrasound probes and evtl. ultrasound crawler.